So it is Day 7 of the National Health Blog Month Challenge and I am almost too many minutes close to midnight too late to do it, but at least I'm in!! Today's topic we have to write about what is in our bag everyday and why!
Soo, this is my Louis Vuitton bag that I carry everyday...I'm not into name brands especially trendy ones, but this was a gift for my 28th birthday and I just can't find a purse I'd rather carry. It fits me because I have not seen anyone else carrying it. I like standing apart :D Moving on to the contents, which are no where NEAR as glamorous as a Louis...
I will just focus on three things out of this sea of gum, makeup, tissues, candy and change; that I carry everyday.
1 - My agenda. (Yellow circle). I carry this everyday because when I get asked to speak, or if I'm going to a conference, or if my daughter's leadership team is available to volunteer at a walk-a-thon, I want to be able to say yes, with confidence. I know I can put all this information in my phone, but sometimes I need to see my handwriting, ink on paper, and turn pages for it to embed itself in my mind. It's like a security blanket for my memory.
2 - My backup stash of pills (Green circle). I carry these because there are some days I don't make it home in time to take my meds before I go to sleep. I'm on my treatment once a day and the best time of day for me to remember is before I go to sleep. There are times I am out late and too tired when I come, so I keep them in my purse. Plus, when I travel and my luggage is ever lost (knock on wood), then I won't have to worry about missing a dose.
3 - Scripture cards (Red circle). I carry these to help me stay encouraged. They are actually scriptures based on healing. Plus, I have a hard time memorizing scriptures. It is easier for me to tell stories but there are some that have nothing to do with a painted picture, it will be a set of instructions. I carry these cards as a memory tool and to help encourage others I meet throughout my day.
*pulls random card from box* Matthew 4:23-24 "And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching...and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people..The brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatick, and those that had the palsy; and he healed them."
So in a sense, my bag is like Mary Poppins in that I have a teaspoon of sugar for my mind, body and soul.
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